Saturday, March 04, 2006

Initial Musings

Well its a Saturday afternoon and I just finished chatting with my girlfriend. As anyone who knows me knows she is in Germany working for our company over there for the next 6 months. Makes it hard on the relationship, but so far so good, thank GOD for technology, Web Camera, Internet, MSN Messenger, and international Cell Phones have helped tremendously. I'm hoping to get over there in May, but well working at NASA, everything is revolving around the next shuttle launch, scheduled for wouldn't you know it May...that plus being the mission manager of the next mission makes it even harder to leave work for the next 6 months.Anyways rambling a little, but I hope this is a place I can share my thoughts and ideas, muse a little here and there. If people read it great, if not, well least its therapeutic for me.


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